Monday, 8 December 2008

The Consequences Of Joining The Seemingly Unbeatable

Britain's dogged attempts to imitate its overgrown colonial cousin are fun to watch. Following every trend and fad on the other side of the Atlantic must be giving Britain a cause to feel superior to its more desate neighbours over the Channel. In London you hear police car sirens so many times, you'd think you're on a set of a Hollywood movie. CCTV cameras watching every nook and corner, credit card history, abandoning railway system in favour of private car ownership: Britain went to great lengths not to be like its European neighbours. Most of the copycat routine is quite harmless and even, to a degree, natural: after all, UK does share a lot of cultural heritage with the USA.

However, adopting America's major prosperity-generating mechanism has turned out disastrous. I am talking about the vicious system of living from borrowed money with no plans to ever repay the debt. In fact, it is a British invention: Americans just perfected it and took it to an extreme, pushing the national debt over 11,300,000,000,000 (11.3 trillion) dollars. In the heyday of Tony Blair's Cool Britannia it seemed like it would go one forever. The economy was booming for over a decade fuelled by crazy borrowing and overbloated housing prices, creating the false sense of well managed prosperity growth.

However, the jig is finally up. Big boys of the City and Westminster who were so good at the cheek-puffing game of appearing important and with-it turned out just a bunch of shockingly incompetent liars. The irony of it is that the very people, bankers and poiticians who cocked up world's fourth largest economy will be, at utmost, be given severance packages and shuffled around while the rest of the population will be stuck with the bill.

By the way, that bill has just been hiked up to a trillion pounds by those shit-for-brains good-for-nothings. It's like borrowing a grand to pay the hundred you owe. Smart move, Eyebrows.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

JFK and Iraq

Being cute, popular and dating Marylin Monroe while married to Jackie is but a sexy media image. Action speaks louder than any PR strategy.

In 1963, the Kennedy administration backed a coup against the government of Iraq headed by General Abdel Karim Kassem, who five years earlier had deposed the Western-allied Iraqi monarchy. The CIA helped the new Baath Party government led by Abdul Salam Arif in ridding the country of suspected leftists and Communists. In a Baathist bloodbath, the government used lists of suspected Communists and other leftists provided by the CIA, to systematically murder untold numbers of Iraq's educated elite — killings in which Saddam Hussein himself is said to have participated. The victims included hundreds of doctors, teachers, technicians, lawyers and other professionals as well as military and political figures.

Saddam's party was installed but no one else but adorable JFK, it turns out.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Do Actually Liberal Populations Exist?

So the gay marriage ruling has just been overturned in California. The state that presents itself as the bulwark of liberalism turns out anything but.

I am very positive that if this day gay marriage and any gay tolerance laws were put to public voting in Holland, they would be overturned just the same by a landslide. The matter of fact is that general Dutch public have never been asked what they thought of their homosexuals. In the country where tolerance traditions include a 300-year Catholic ban, a wholesale sellout of the Jews to the Nazis and a wholesale demonization of all Muslims, liberalism is a thinnest rainbow film on the surface of a deep pool of dyed-in-the-wood redneck narrow-mindedness.

The world-famous Dutch laws on gay marriage, soft drugs, euthanasia and abortion were adopted during the short period in the 90s when the Dutch cabinet was predominantly left. The bills were put forward by the hundreds-strong elite of former student extremists, so called provos (from provocateurs) who also happened to belong to the Dutch upper class. When they grew out of the protest phase, they all made it to the higher echelons of power in the Netherlands. That is how the country ended with a corpus of ultra-liberal legislation. Just a few years later Pim Fortuyn pulled down the 60-year-old taboo of inciting racial and religious hatred self-imposed as the penitence for the Dutch collaboration with the Nazis. That has effectively unleashed the true pent-up feelings of the Dutch burger and farmer, who nowadays gleefully vote CDA - the Dutch equivalent of Southern Baptist Republicans.

The point I am trying to make it that liberal ideas require good education and urban environment. They do not survive in the hicks or among the unenlightened masses. What is true for Holland applies to any human society. Even to Amsterdam which is full of what I call Amsterdam Rednecks (a good name for a baseball team!) - fresh arrivals from the Dutch countryside who moved to the capital for work together with their Bible Belt mentality.

As for ruining the sanctity of marriage and the whole moral values shebang -- leave it to heterosexuals to do it in, they have been doing a pretty good job.

Is Our Lovely Barack Really Up To The Job He Applied For?

So, the cute skinny mixed (he's not Black, idiots, he's half-Black, half-White!) dude has become the US President. Like millions of others I am totally smitten with his gift of glib, charisma and perfectly tailored suits. Hip-hip-hooray!

However, there is a gnawing suspicion in the back of my mind. I have seen this so many times before: Yeltsin and Yushchenko, Taksin and Blair. Eloquent and sexily presented youngish hopefuls swept their nations off the feet with a promise of change only to show that there is little substance or integrity inside the shiny package. They all started on the shoulders of cheering crowds but ended up despicable displays of the ugliest traits of human nature, utter political failures that ruined the lives of millions.

Barack is taking over a shattered country: loathed in the world, on the verge of bankruptcy and split along so many fault lines. The 10-trillion-dollar officially recognised federal debt is, no doubt, just the tip of the iceberg. Is he up to the tough job ahead of him. We shall see.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Exercise Your Free Will To Stay In His Fold

God is bigger than your Bible studies teacher's ideas of Him, God is bigger than Christianity. Everybody gets God to the level of their understanding, you don't need anyone to impose theirs on you. Make all discoveries yourself. Believe me, it is the best thing you can do in your life ever. Everything then will just unfold the right way.

God never turns away from you. He's always there (everywhere actually) wanting you to have joy and meaning in life. However ,your soul is a battlefield and the prize is you. If you give in to the negativity, stay stuck in unhappiness and suffering, obey the voices that keep telling you to destroy yourself, Devil's mission is accomplished. Your life is wasted. If you turn to God, let him fill your heart, so that there's no place left for darkness, your life will be full of His light and, trust me, there's nothing better than that. You just need to soften up inside, trust and believe, open your eyes and accept Him. You will be amazed how everything else will start falling into place. Just make that commitment and pray.

In my time, I would have kept repeating "God help me out of my disbelief!" day in, day out - until the first glimpse of His grace. You will know when it arrives and you will know then what it is all about. Belief is not to be tested by reason and logic, belief is about exercising your free will. It's an entirely different realm form what we call science but it is none the less real.

For me, my practice of Vipassana and kundalini yoga is such an exercise of free will. It is my small step towards God, and he makes ten giant ones towards you in return. You need to make your choice and show your commitment, do your part. We have the freedom to choose, we are not mere puppets. But the great thing is, our part is the easiest. God does the hardest part. "His yoke is easy, His burden is light". All is needed from you is to make your choice and follow it. You actually make just the first step and His Amazing Grace greets you right there. The rest is much easier when you know (not that somebody told you, but you know from your own direct experience!) what you are in there for. Just keep persisting on your way to Him.

There may be falls and setbacks, but the point is that once you're on the right path, you're moving in the right direction.A step to the left, a step to the right, a pause or even a step back don't matter much. The beauty of it all is that God never turns away from you, as long as you keep him in your mind, in your heart's sight, you will never fall out of His Favour, it will always stay with you. It is really up to you, your commitment and your exercise of free will whether to stay within his fold or fall out of it.

There may be all wrong kinds of reasons, occurrences and influences that keep you in your existence of suffering, out of His fold. Fear is, probably number one. Fear to leave your comfort zone, fear of the unknown, fear of having to work hard, fear to try new things or meet new people. Fear does not come from God, it comes from your Enemy. If you keep listening to it, you are bound for self-destruction. Overcoming your fear is the first step in exercising your free will.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Life's Discoveries: God

God is not the angry white-bearded man up in the sky. He is not supposed to meddle in everything keeping us, powerless puppets who wouldn't know better, from committing follies and crimes. He is not the boogaboo that priests around the world for centuries have tried to scare us with. God wants this, God does not want that. God hates this, God love that. There is no need for interpreters because God is accessible to everyone. It can be a long path to get to that point though.

He is more like Allah or the one from St. John's Gospel. Or like the Chinese Tao (Dao). He's omnipresent in the sense that He is both everywhere in the outside world but He is also inside of you.

Believing in God only means tuning yourself in to the right vibration/beat/groove, otherwise you will be out of tune and nothing will be right.

God (Tao, Universe, Positivity, you name it) always loves us, we only need to turn towards Him and stay within His fold. Then nothing bad can happen to us. That amazing state is called Amazing Grace. Things will keep happening around us but nothing will afflict us.

Life's happenings are half God-given opportunity, half up to our free will. We need to exercise it and make the choice. If we go the right way, then everything is fine. His yoke is truly easy, His burden is light, indeed. It is also the God of Japanese Jodo Shinshu. , He is the one who

His presence is real and He is truly alive in the very utter sense of the word. If you open up your heart, you can feel it with you entire being.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

On the Financial Crisis

World's leaders and the financial community seem flabbergasted: "We have been bloating something out of nothing for so long and just when it was going so well it went bust. Why?" I can't believe this wide-eyed naivete is not feigned but it seems it actually is real. The old boys really thought it would go on forever.

Last year I was in communication with a City man who I studied with in Japan some time late last century. I said that this big boys' worldwide game with the money that does not exist is none better than poor people juggling their debt between more and more credit cards -- sooner or later you are going to have to pay up. The more you put it off, the more interest you are going to pay. He accused me of negativism and ignorance of how it all works. His stance was: the present financial system is very good, it provides money for big projects. In response I pointed out to the US federal debt closing in on 9 trillion dollars at the time (it's over 10 now so they are one digit short on the clock) and that means that world's largest economy is in fact a humongous negative equity waiting to implode and take the rest of the world down with it. My party wrote it off as anti-Americanism, so typical from a Russian man like myself.

Well I don't know what kind of euphory-inducing drug they inject people in their overpriced MBA in Finance courses but one thing for sure they immunize them against all kind of moral concerns. As long as tweaking spreadsheets and clocking up sheer digits in bank computers makes profit, it's all good fun. To hell with thinking who is going to fork out the bill when the buck stops passing.

Just a month ago the public got frights from the patently dumb rumour that the CERN's collider would create a black hole that would suck the Earth in it. Little did we know the real Black Hole has been in the making in New York, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong last few decades. It may leave the physical reality as it is but, no doubt, the economic reality will never be the same when the implosion is complete.

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P.S. In the not very likely event that the US Government's assets are really to be liquidated to pay off its debts, Japan, China and UK will get more than a half while Russia - almost 3 percent.

Balance in Love

Balance is everything, it's the Middle Path of Buddhism. It's like riding a bicycle - seems impossible at first but once you the knack of it it's not hard at all although you need to keep pedalling not to fall down.

Human love needs balance too.

On one hand, what could be more foolish than to hinge all your happiness on the fickle and human nature. We don't even know for ourselves what we are going to feel the next minute but we expect the other's affection for us to last "for ever"!

However, that kind of expectation comes from the need to have our void spaces and imperfections to be filled in and made good for by someone else. That's true avidya, ignorance, because that's a patent mission impossible. We look for a relationship needy and unhappy seeking to take something from it. When the other one is full of the same needs, it is a recipe for disaster.

The balance in relationship is not achieved by using the other one like a crutch, it needs to come from within. When you are happy inside and truly love yourself, you will naturally feel the need to share that abundance. You can then pour this overflow onto others - in a variety of ways - and you can also find someone special onto whom you can pour it in a special way.

"Relationship is not about what you can take it from but about what you bring to it."

Friday, 24 October 2008

Like The Inside, Like The Outside

Funny how what goes on inside of you correlates with what happens in the outside world.

First you gain your own empirical knowledge of how your mind works, how emotions and moods arise and pass away, how they affect everything you do quite unbeknownst to you. Then at some point of time you realize that it works the same for the outside world. The physical basis of the inner and outer phenomena is different but the principle is the same: nothing is permanent in this floating world, it all crops up and vanishes and only affects you inasmuch you allow it. Calm equanimous mind calms the world around. Some moods, things even people disappear if you watch them like you watch sankaras inside of you.

To paraphrase the famous hermeneutic principle: "like the inside, like the outside".

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

The Power of Mind

I have really learnt to be not critical but supportive, focus on the positive rather than stress out the negative. Mind is a great power, if you harness it and direct the right away, everything around will change. If the mind is bogged in negativity and criticism, the reality around - people and things - will be negative and never good enough. And vice versa - cultivate positivity in your mind and you will be surrounded by it. It's amazing we all can make this choice but very few people do.

"All actions and creations in this world begin from a thought."

Monday, 20 October 2008

On Depths and Friendships

It must be the age and the Vipassana: I get to see things in life as they are, the lucid metaphoricity of existence. It is the very meaning and essence of all things and happenings around us but when you are young and not that wise yet you tend to look right past through it, noticing only the obvious material substance.

I'll give an example.

In relationships - love or friendships - you have to meet people at their depth. If you draw them to your depth, they may panic or even drown. Enjoy each person where they are comfortable at. The majority are the beach crowd: let them enjoy their bit of sunshine while you are enjoying yours. Quite a few people are good company to splash along the surf line, with others you can wade deeper in the rougher water. With precious few people you can just swim away never worrying about how deep it is.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

The Balance Between Inside And Outside

Last few months I was in an exchange with my Thai Aunt in Bangkok about the political turmoil in Thailand. She is torn between her staunch Buddhist convictions and her indignation at gross injustice done to Thai people by the country's politicians.

It is really very difficult to strike the balance between focusing on purifying your spirit and getting involved with the outside world. This reality is an illusion, Maya, but we do live in it. But as it is said "blessed are the truth-seekers": those who seek truth in the world will find it inside.

I find it truly amazing to learn, slowly but surely, from my own experience of meditation how everything in your spiritual world is reflected, connected and related with the reality outside. The path of liberation is not escapism, it is about learning the truth about reality, peeling off the made up, assumed and imposed to get to the core, which actually seems to lie on the surface, hidden from us by our ignorance.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Russia Says US Has No Right To Speak For The World

In response to Condoleezza Rice's Russia-bashing speech at the Marshall Fund on 18th of September Russian Foreign Ministry officially commented that no one gave her the right to speak on behalf of the whole world.

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Public Self-Flagellation As The Last Resort

In Russian such situations are referred to as "Sergeant's widow whipped herself".

Nowhere else but in Lybia Condoleezza Rice threatened that the USA will punish Russia's Georgian blitzkrieg by putting the US-Russia nuke deal on hold. What it means in real terms: US does not get access to Russian advanced nuclear technology and Russia won't accept used American uranium for processing and sorting. No doubt many Russians will be crying themselves to sleep tonight.

The aftermath of the recent Russian campaign in South Ossetia revealed that the West has no leverage left to influence Russia in any meaningful way but resorting to pointless media caterwauling.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Lily Allen - In vino veritas

In a desperate attempt to garner more media attention than Amy Winehouse Lily Allen picked a fight with Elton John at the GQ awards. Pissed as a sailor, Ms. Allen blurted a series of incoherent insults revealing just how much public school affected her chav inner self. Pop king's witty reposte was wasted on her alcohol-soaked brain.

In the meantime, Lily Allen and friends, the show designed to bring the worst of mindless online crap to everyone's living room has been given a go-ahead for its second season on BBC3. Who said there is no nepotism in UK?

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Goose Sauce That Is Good For The Gander

People living in glass houses should not even think of picking up stones to throw.

It turns out that Georgian Prime Minister Vladimer "Lado" Gurgenidze, a UK national, told the Estonian newspaper Postimees in March that Georgia would recognize Kosovo's independence.

Well, well, well. He probably should have followed Spain's suit who knows all too well that with its simmering Basque question it can ill-afford recognizing breakaway provinces of other countries.

Now Mr. Gurgenidze may need to go and eat his tie as did the man who appointed him, President Saakashvili.

In the meantime, 120 ties were collected by alert citizens in Moscow in order to froward them to Gerogian President.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Thailand Fed Up With 'Democracy'

Completely overshadowed by the Olympics and the Georgian war, Thailand's anti- government protests do not scoop much media attention. The same People's Alliance for Democracy that was instrumental in overturning Thaksin Shinawatra in 2006 now demands an end to democracy as unfit to deliver the country from its economic turmoil and social stalemate.

In Thais' living memory every new democratically elected government has unfailingly been only more corrupt, self-serving and inefficient than the previous one. Glib Chuan, disastrous Chavalit, shamelessly populist (fascist, in fact) Thaksin all legitimately came to office on a wave of popular support only to end up with a bang of huge failure and scandal.

Fed up with Western-styled democracy, Thais now demand a sort of Turkish model where the army would have an institutionalized say in national politics and the parliament would be appointed, presumably by the King. Quite contrary to Western perceptions, Turkish military has played a very progressive role in the country's political history as a republic, preventing on numerous occasions Islamist rollback and rampant political corruption.

Parallels here can be seen with the general public opinion in Russia accepting the necessity of a strong authoritarian rule in the country. A decade of lawless turmoil and oligarchic bacchanalia under Western-backed Yeltsin made Russians strongly allergic to foreign-inspired institutions artificially transplanted to their soil.

Whether there is a new worldwide trend towards dismantling democratic structured as failed because of the local social terroir remains to be seen.

Great China To Little Britain

So, the clumsy slob of the new London mayor got to wave the Olympic flag in Beijing, looking like he had lost his trousers belt. There's none of Boris Johnson's merit in bringing the Olympics to London - it all was Tony Blair and Ken Livingston's doing - yet he radiated triumph and self-confidence. Let's remember his firm promise that the Games budget will be kept under£9.3bn budget (the original budget in 2005 was £3.4bn). I predict by 2012 this will be at least in the ballpark of 20 billion - that is if nothing unpredictable happens.

London 2012's 8-minute presentation really showed us that Britain is completely out of touch with what the rest of the world likes. After the Chinese awe-inspiring glamour on an unparalleled scale - two dozens modern dancers (costumes courtesy of the Salvation Army) with newspapers and umbrellas, Myra Hindley in the video reel and Beckham with a football - well, good luck trying to impress the world with that kind of symbolism!

Just like Britain's annual Eurovision contributions doomed to puzzled shrugs anywhere east of the English Channel, a soul starlet with a sweaty old dude playing a 30-year-old hit on the electric guitar were greeted by a bewildered rustle of the audience at the Bird's Nest. It all sure would have been taken well by beer-drenched London crowds but the world wants tacky torch ballads, acrobatic dances and lots of fireworks. Britain's insular idea of coolness can sometimes click with Anglo-Saxons but for the rest of the world it is just quaint and not really that much fun.

China with all its alleged aloofness seems to have understood the power of American cultural message which is in its fine tuning to the expectations of the whole world. Britain, on the other hand, can't seem to fathom that her little cultural idiosyncrasies stop being hip somewhere half way between Dover and Calais. I hope festivities at London 2012 will overcome cultural navel-gazing and won't end up with nul points. It's Olympics, NOT Olimpicks this time!

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Yet Another Big Time Embezzler Finds Refuge In Britain

Alleged big-time embezzler and power abuser, former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife, a convicted tax evader, have fled to UK where Thaksin owns Manchester City football club. It is not the first time UK gives aid and abet to foreign criminals as long as they made enough contribution to its economy. Boris Berezovsky, one of Russia's most hated personalities wanted in Russia, Brazil, Holland and Switzerland for money-laundering, is a recent example of Britain turning a blind eye on justice when it promises a fat money return.

It will be interesting to watch how the Thaksin saga is going to unfold. As it goes, for the years to come we are most likely to be spotting the billionaire couple shopping in Harrod's, lecturing his footballers and chumming with British MP's.

P. S. UK just gave a safe passage yet to another dictator, ex-President Musharraf of Pakistan.

3-Iron - Yet Another Ploy For Impressionable Critics

In his movie Russian Ark Aleksandr Sokurov covered the absence of plot or purpose with delirious dialogues. The protagonists (one of whom is invisible to make it more mysterious) exchange incoherent gobbledygook, often repeating the same line 3 or 4 times a row, or erupt in batshit monologues, which not quite unlike Family Guy’s manatee jokes have little to do with the plot. As there was none in Russian Ark it didn’t really matter.

Korean director Kim Ki-duk of the Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring fame in his new film 3-Iron (as it goes in PoMo culture, the less relation the title has to the piece the cooler) did not even bother with lines. The main character remains silent for its entirety, his supporting actress says a few towards the end. With dead-pan faces theygo through the motions prescribed by the script. In its aesthetics and photography the film borrows heavily from Japanese manga strips, minus the speech balloons. A visually appealing threefold-hug final scene delivers the final blow to those wishing to appear in-the-know-of-all-things-Asian: it seems charged with symbolics, yet does not give any clue as per what the symbolics are driving at. It remains deliciously open to interpretation - the classic PoMo principle of absence of objective truth at work.

Pregnant silence between the characters keeps hinting at some deep meaning hidden from the uninitiated – probably the best ploy to lure film critics into the “mysterious Orient” trap. A sprinkle of Buddhist imagery and director’s reluctance to explain his opus are impeccable PR stints to secure media acclaim.

3-Iron is most reminiscent of that Asian Tantra shtick of having sex without ejaculation that leaves you feeling empty and cheated.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Why Is White Establishment So Afraid Of Rock, Soul And Blues?

I was mulling over possible reasons why is that such different political ideologies as American oligocratic capitalism and Soviet gerontocratic communism were so averse to rock, soul, reggae and blues music? The hate affair in America ended as soon as Black music started making money but in the USSR it held out until the country's collapse. That said, on the Stateside, even when after a long struggle Afro-American music became mainstream, the still-very-much-alive all-White Disco Sucks movement would sometimes erupt in outbursts like the infamous Disco Demolition Night.

I think it is the overblown perception of African sexuality as the sexuality of the Other that created the notion of actually any darker-skinned people as being early sexually mature, promiscuous and more potent. This idea has pervaded Western world since the time records started, i.e., Ancient Greece and Rome. African beat based music have thus bothered White hetero male establishment on both sides of the Iron Curtain as subconsciously associating with sexual licence, which powers that be naturally resent - ideological control of sexual activities is one of the powerful tool of mass manipulation.

Ironically, those who share this sentiment with the White establishment are those who are most abused by them : White undereducated blue-collar workers.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Figging - A Driving Force Of Global Colonialism?

Just when you thought you knew about every possible sexual practice - or at least have seen it in an episode of South Park - there comes up something new. A truly humbling experience.

Figging is a practice of sticking a piece of ginger up the anus (or sometimes the vagina) that was common in Victorian England. The burning sensation it causes does not damage the mucus and is supposed to be very arousing. Could this have been the hidden driving force of the British Empire expansion in the 19th century? It is rather easy to imagine how those suspiciously hyperactive Victorian gentlemen were driven to colonise half the world, invent most sports games and half the  modern technologies that we still use, by the burning sensation in their anuses.

There actually is a number of ways to boost your sexual drive with food. I have collected some free tips about aphrodisiac food. Or you can also make the taste of your ejaculation more agreeable by consuming certain kinds of food.

Please have a read and let me know what you think!

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Travel  yarns:

How A Lost War Can Make You A Winner

It is an old political trick: nothing is like a won war to cure tumbling domestic popularity. Clinton bombed Serbia with depleted uranium to distract America from Ms. Lewinski blowjob prowess, Margaret Thatcher walloped Argentinians in the midst of her much hated economic shake-ups. There is even a movie about it: Wag The Dog.

But winning a war takes guts. The only guts Saakashvili has may be Condoleeza's balls of steel but one of the objectives of the war he started and lost is nevertheless met. Distracted by the anti-Russian hysteria in the mass media Georgians seem to have forgotten Saakashvili's trespassings:

Yet another none less important goal has been achieved. Public opinion in Georgia, which Russians consider a "brother country" has turned anti-Russian. This shall be quite instrumental in securing Georgia's positions as yet another peg in the strategy of Russia's containment.

The third goal: the pledge for more Western money and support. Without the major news splash that the South Ossetian conflict cause, Georgia would have stayed on the D-list of global politics. For Saakashvili it means one thing: Western aid reduces to a trickle. The spin doctors from the Belgian PR company that provided information control support for Georgian administration helped turn the tables around. Next few months watch American and European taxpayers' money pumped into Georgia by the billion.

Well done, Mikhail! In the absurd modern world of spin and political show business everything is upside down and the losers are oftentimes winners.

A good example of no-holds-barred American propaganda war: CNN uses footage of Tskhinvali shelled by the Georgians with the commentary about Russian attacks on Georgia:

Friday, 15 August 2008

Somebody Please Go Over And Laugh In His Face!

All too often it seems that the major qualification for the job as US President is keeping a straight face while spinning utterly shameless idiocies. It is also representative of the overall sheepish attitude of world’s press that no one dares to point out that Dubya’s public displays of verbal defection contradict every shade of common sense, basic propriety and human logic.

In the latest incident of such kind, US President George W Bush has accused Russia of "bullying and intimidation" in its military actions inside Georgia. Somebody needs to show him a mirror and say that this rhetoric is way too rich coming from someone who had American citizens blown up to start two wars on false pretences.

In a typical display of US media censorship practices a journalist remark about America's "disproportionate" response to 9/11 was cut off on live TV:

Faster, Higher, Stronger... And Conciser!

If the media is the message, what is the Olympic PR machine trying to tell us? Perhaps this.

If since the age of 6 all you ever do during your waking hours is eating, sleeping and swimming, whilst devouring industrial amounts of pasta, pizza and ham sandwiches on white bread with mayonnaise that amount to a whopping 12,000 calories a day, some day you will be just able to say, ‘It’s, like, cool, I mean, like, totally cool’ when you’ve won 10 gold medals in a row.

When Pierre de Coubertin set about laying the foundation of the modern Olympic movement in the late 19th century he was inspired by the ideals of Classical Greece and sports education in Anglo-Saxon colleges. Ancient Olympians - as well as US and British boarding school graduates - were gentlemen of the leisure class who on top of sportive also combined scientific and political pursuits. Coubertin became enamoured with the idea of exclusivity probably never envisaging that a century later there will crop up a a tiny specialised über-race of physical hyper-achievers giving the vicarious kicks of exercise excellence to misnourished masses plomped with a 6-pack and potato chips in front of their TVs.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Miliband's Bitter Words And Sour Grapes Go Largely Unheeded

Not that anyone in the world cares anyway, but one day after the French- mediated ceasefire in Georgia British Foreign Minister David "Batshit" Miliband delivered a fiery vitriol against Russian involvement in South Osetia. The only reason it became known is because the CNN didn’t have to translate it to put it on so they just did.

In the best tradition of Mock The Week, let’s dub his philippic with what he really means by what he says. Hugh Dennis and Frankie Boyle would be perfect at it!

So there we go, what Miliband actually means is in italics.

"Russia had been trying to assert the concept of "ex-Soviet space", which was "not acceptable".
("We won’t accept it but we can do nothing about it. Our hands are too short to try and squeeze Russia’s balls.")

"Russia had adopted a 19th Century approach and "blatant aggression" in Georgia, when it should be asserting itself economically."
("However, last time they gently wrung our balls peacefully and cut off our gas supply, we were very, very pissed just the same. They should better try to starve Georgians to death like we did to the Irish.")

"It's not good for Russia to continue to believe that it is suffering a hangover from the collapse of the Soviet Union.”
("It took us 60 years to get over the British Empire. You should do it quicker.")

“There's no such thing as ex-Soviet space."
("It may overlap with ex-British space. We don’t like it.")

"The "new map" of Eastern Europe had to be defended in the interests of stability and it was in Russia's interests to do so.
("We have invested too much into our Eastern satellites even though we think they are quiet backward. Where the heck is Georgia anyway?")

"Countries on Russia's borders need to know their territorial integrity was secure."
("That does not apply to Serbia because it does not border Russia. And who but independent Kosovo could make sure our cocaine supply won’t run out?")

"It's not in Russia's interests to continue to hanker for a Soviet past because frankly, it's gone and it's good that it's gone."
("Actually, I am talking about our dear Empire where the sun would never set. Wish we had Russia's guts and never had to suck up big time to our former colonies.")

Amy, Amy, Amy, Will We Have You Around For Long?

As Phill Jupitus aptly summed it up: "Is there anyone on whom Amy hasn't thrown up yet?"

So what's wrong with Ms. Wino, the North London Jewish blues goddess who sounds like Nina Simone, Billie Holiday and Erykah Badu rolled in a ball - with an übercool 21st-century twist on top of that?

Amy displays a typical inner conflict of a divorced parents’ child. She is trying to find the emotional stability she missed out in her split family by sticking with one guy through thick and thin. While this single-minded determination is highly plausible, Amy, being what she is – a very young lady with little life experience – was unfortunate enough to make a not so highly plausible choice. Blake’s bad guy vibe may be very sexy but he is definitely not the kind of guy a good girl should stick with. In Jungian terms, he’s Thumbelina’s jolly Beetle – the kind of guy that is only good until the fun of incessant partying and substance abuse wears off.

But here once again unfortunately, Ms. Winehouse shows signs of an addictive personality. Many of us are to a certain degree, which is determined by the way our brain’s glands produce various hormones. In the worst, yet very possible scenario she herself may wear off quicker than the fun of easily obtainable chemical bliss. The choice substance to abuse of the yesteryear, alcohol, that took away from us Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf, is no match to latter-day designer drugs. Amy may not hang around with us for much too long.

I can only guess from a distance which I am pretty good at, but on top of intervention Amy may need some intensive counselling. Most of time, drug abuse is symptomatic of a deep-lying unhappiness. Removing symptoms (weaning of drugs) will leave the cause of her erratic behaviour intact and hence the person herself open for more relapses.

People closest to Amy may not be willing or able to realize the real cause of Amy’s suffering. All I can do is to think of her during m daily metta-bhavana. I sincerely pray that she gets over her demons and keep giving us joy with her music.

You can forgive her ANYTHING for this:

and this:

Monday, 11 August 2008

Georgia's Flashy President Starts War, Gains No Meaningful Backing

I started my Sunday morning not the best way - by reading an hysterical first-page article in the NRC Handelsblad (the Dutch equivalent of the Times) about the current Russian-Georgian conflict. The author proclaims the man on whose orders Georgian tanks moved into South Ossetia - Bush's own flamboyant Mikhail Saakashvili - the only saviour of the nation. The NRC Handelsblad are known Russophobes - the very word 'Rusland' seems to make them salivate with venom - but this time they are not alone.

The whole international community that sponsored Kosovo's (technically illegal) breakaway from Serbia this time gangs up on Russia who stuck in for a tiny republic where 90% of the population voted to become independent from Georgia. Both sides clearly have vested interests in the region but double standards of the Western press are still shamelessly cynical. The very people who invented lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to gain access to the country's oil are vociferously concerned now talk about Russia's international reputation.

Without digging to deep into it, the cause of the current warfare is Russia's (up to now) peaceful de-facto annexation of South Ossetia, a part of the New Great Game. Any power shift or attempt at such in the region roughly from Novorossiysk to Karachi and from Istanbul to Bishkek is in one way or another related to sharing the Central Asian oil-and-gas pie. It is noteworthy that despite all the worldwide media hoopla there has not been a single attempt to show the events in this context.

Russian quiet advance into Georgian separatist enclaves has been going for a while now and probably started when Russia realized that the USA and the NATO are tied up to the gills in Iraq and Afghanistan. First chink in the American armour showed in 2005 when Russians managed to get rid of American air bases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Using old connections, wielding new financial clout or teaming up with China - no holds are barred for Russia to squeeze pesky Americans from what Russians consider their own backyard - Central Asia and Caucasus.

Now that Russia's G8 bed-fellows are getting embroiled deeper and deeper in Iran's nuclear saga, on top of the forthcoming US elections and continuing turmoil with further EU consolidation, the new Russian administration must have seen their chance to use the ultima ratio regum to 'stabilize' the situation in the most volatile region - Northern Caucasus. We yet have to see if this is going to pan out - the chances are it will. Whatever the outcome, the only gainers will be oil magnates and politicians and the only losers - Ossetian and Georgian civilians.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee An Idol

Human nature can be inspiring and disappointing. Enjoy the highs, don't get put off by the lows - I keep reminding myself.

M. Scott Peck, whose book The Road Less Travelled had so much impact on me in the 90s, promoted self-discipline, spiritual quest and delay of gratification. His books espousing strong moral views and virtues of human growth sold tens of millions around the world. I remember the overwhelming sensation of seeing the world in a different light and colour upon devouring the book one balmy evening in Kuala Lumpur. I am pretty sure this feeling was replicated uncountable numbers of times across the globe. How epiphanic.

Some time ago I stumbled upon an obituary of his. It turns out Mr. Peck died alone, estranged from his children from a marriage ruined by multiple affairs, himself ruined by alcoholism and drug abuse. I do not try to belittle the man, the spiritual heights he achieved in his writing are still awe-inspiring. His fate, however, is a good reminder how weak the human nature is, that besides great epiphanies lurk even greater temptations.

It also turns out that Robert Frost's poem, after whose penultimate line Mr. Peck's series of books was named, in fact, was written in jest and is NOT a paean to non-conformism but, for all that we know, might well be a tribute to the poet's own experimentations with anal sex. Now don't you feel yourself a fool?

For over two decades German Oliver Shanti produced most beautiful New Age music, drawing inspiration from a broad span of cultures: Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern, Latin and Native American, Spanish. Tens of themed albums were packed with sublime melodies. Millions of people have meditated, did yoga and made love to his musical creations.

On the 27th of June, 2008, after a years-long search, he was arrested in Portugal on over three hundred charges of paedophilia. Truly, Heaven and Hell can co-exist in human souls.

Where Has All The Spunk Gone?

See also here:

Last weekend Gay Pride came to town. In Amsterdam it is a canal parade. Zonked out attention- seekers in skimpy underwear, bored looking drag queens and an occasional fag hag jadedly bobbed to the rhythm of blaring techno as the overloaded boats slowly passed under the low-hanging medieval bridges.

Year in, year out same feather boas, blue wigs and sequinned boxers are dusted out for the Canal Parade. Ostensibly a gay right empowerment event, in reality it is one worldwide gay meat market, a sure fat chance to exchange bodily liquids with someone new. There is not much going on except for beer guzzling, blowing, snorting, shagging and overpriced disco nights with the same mind-numbing music from the 90s that is supposed to be gay favourite. Even the anchorman on the local Amsterdam TV station that actually bothered to broadcast the tired fest in its entirety kept asking, 'Why has it become so lame?'

Indeed, why? If a specially organized once-a-year event is so jaw-dislocatingly boring, the rest of the year is even less inspiring. Bar proprietors blame the Euro and the net. New currency doubled the cost of going out and online dating services took over the social routine of mixing and mingling with real people. These days you can land a lay with a click of the mouse for the price of your monthly ADSL subscription that in Amsterdam is about what you pay for five Baccardi Breezers.

It may also be that when being gay has stopped being political it took away the fizz of being different and having to stand up for your rights. Now it just boils down to the same old shag. After all sex is the only thing that unites the so-called gay community.

Trying to compete with Gaydar and, all Amsterdam's gay discos have installed cruising facilities, so nowadays a lot of action takes place on the premises. The icing of the going-out cake has become the cake itself. You do not need to socialize, dance around, stay on the prowl - you can just go upstairs, pounce, shoot and go back home. The chasing has been removed from the chase, all is left is the shortcut to ejaculation. The energy that used to go into dancing and having a good time now goes directly on sex. Dance clubs offering easy solutions for the punters have morphed into semen-exchanging facilities.

Amsterdam gay night life has become as flaccid as a post-coital penis. There is no need for it to stay hard all night. It gets spent before anything starts.

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There actually is a number of ways to boost your sexual drive with food. I have collected some free tips about aphrodisiac food. Please have a read and let me know what you think!

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See also here: