Sunday, 17 August 2008

Figging - A Driving Force Of Global Colonialism?

Just when you thought you knew about every possible sexual practice - or at least have seen it in an episode of South Park - there comes up something new. A truly humbling experience.

Figging is a practice of sticking a piece of ginger up the anus (or sometimes the vagina) that was common in Victorian England. The burning sensation it causes does not damage the mucus and is supposed to be very arousing. Could this have been the hidden driving force of the British Empire expansion in the 19th century? It is rather easy to imagine how those suspiciously hyperactive Victorian gentlemen were driven to colonise half the world, invent most sports games and half the  modern technologies that we still use, by the burning sensation in their anuses.

There actually is a number of ways to boost your sexual drive with food. I have collected some free tips about aphrodisiac food. Or you can also make the taste of your ejaculation more agreeable by consuming certain kinds of food.

Please have a read and let me know what you think!

+ + + + +
Travel  yarns:

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