Thursday 17 April 2008

9/11 - Yet Another False Flag Operation

It is beyond any reasonable doubt that the 9/11 downing of the World Trade Center towers was the result of a controlled demolition. One argument that I have heard from a very intelligent and enlightened American friend of mine, upon hearing out all the mounting evidence, was that "the US Government just couldn't have been possibly up to such an immoral act, they are above that". Now this is just shows how little we learn from history.

False flag terrorism is nothing new - it has been used to create causae belli by the powers that be since time immemorial. In America's own history there has been a long string of such incidents starting from the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine in 1898 - of the Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain! fame - that precipitated the Spanish-American War to the Operation Northwoods when terrorist acts against civil targets in the US were planned by the CIA to spark anti-Cuban sentiment in the public. In 1939, WWII, world's deadliest conflict ever, was started on pretext of the German-staged "Polish attack".

Now you can watch the well researched documentary Loose Change Final Cut about the 9/11 yourself and form your own informed opinion, whether pro or con:


Full-length movie:

9/11 questioned in the European Parliament:

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