Wednesday 5 November 2008

Is Our Lovely Barack Really Up To The Job He Applied For?

So, the cute skinny mixed (he's not Black, idiots, he's half-Black, half-White!) dude has become the US President. Like millions of others I am totally smitten with his gift of glib, charisma and perfectly tailored suits. Hip-hip-hooray!

However, there is a gnawing suspicion in the back of my mind. I have seen this so many times before: Yeltsin and Yushchenko, Taksin and Blair. Eloquent and sexily presented youngish hopefuls swept their nations off the feet with a promise of change only to show that there is little substance or integrity inside the shiny package. They all started on the shoulders of cheering crowds but ended up despicable displays of the ugliest traits of human nature, utter political failures that ruined the lives of millions.

Barack is taking over a shattered country: loathed in the world, on the verge of bankruptcy and split along so many fault lines. The 10-trillion-dollar officially recognised federal debt is, no doubt, just the tip of the iceberg. Is he up to the tough job ahead of him. We shall see.

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