Monday 20 October 2008

On Depths and Friendships

It must be the age and the Vipassana: I get to see things in life as they are, the lucid metaphoricity of existence. It is the very meaning and essence of all things and happenings around us but when you are young and not that wise yet you tend to look right past through it, noticing only the obvious material substance.

I'll give an example.

In relationships - love or friendships - you have to meet people at their depth. If you draw them to your depth, they may panic or even drown. Enjoy each person where they are comfortable at. The majority are the beach crowd: let them enjoy their bit of sunshine while you are enjoying yours. Quite a few people are good company to splash along the surf line, with others you can wade deeper in the rougher water. With precious few people you can just swim away never worrying about how deep it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very wise words Artour! I will try to remember them and apply them :)