Thursday 30 October 2008

Life's Discoveries: God

God is not the angry white-bearded man up in the sky. He is not supposed to meddle in everything keeping us, powerless puppets who wouldn't know better, from committing follies and crimes. He is not the boogaboo that priests around the world for centuries have tried to scare us with. God wants this, God does not want that. God hates this, God love that. There is no need for interpreters because God is accessible to everyone. It can be a long path to get to that point though.

He is more like Allah or the one from St. John's Gospel. Or like the Chinese Tao (Dao). He's omnipresent in the sense that He is both everywhere in the outside world but He is also inside of you.

Believing in God only means tuning yourself in to the right vibration/beat/groove, otherwise you will be out of tune and nothing will be right.

God (Tao, Universe, Positivity, you name it) always loves us, we only need to turn towards Him and stay within His fold. Then nothing bad can happen to us. That amazing state is called Amazing Grace. Things will keep happening around us but nothing will afflict us.

Life's happenings are half God-given opportunity, half up to our free will. We need to exercise it and make the choice. If we go the right way, then everything is fine. His yoke is truly easy, His burden is light, indeed. It is also the God of Japanese Jodo Shinshu. , He is the one who

His presence is real and He is truly alive in the very utter sense of the word. If you open up your heart, you can feel it with you entire being.

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