Saturday 25 October 2008

Balance in Love

Balance is everything, it's the Middle Path of Buddhism. It's like riding a bicycle - seems impossible at first but once you the knack of it it's not hard at all although you need to keep pedalling not to fall down.

Human love needs balance too.

On one hand, what could be more foolish than to hinge all your happiness on the fickle and human nature. We don't even know for ourselves what we are going to feel the next minute but we expect the other's affection for us to last "for ever"!

However, that kind of expectation comes from the need to have our void spaces and imperfections to be filled in and made good for by someone else. That's true avidya, ignorance, because that's a patent mission impossible. We look for a relationship needy and unhappy seeking to take something from it. When the other one is full of the same needs, it is a recipe for disaster.

The balance in relationship is not achieved by using the other one like a crutch, it needs to come from within. When you are happy inside and truly love yourself, you will naturally feel the need to share that abundance. You can then pour this overflow onto others - in a variety of ways - and you can also find someone special onto whom you can pour it in a special way.

"Relationship is not about what you can take it from but about what you bring to it."

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