Saturday, 14 June 2008

Lesson In Humility For The EU Politburo

862,415 Irish delivered a resounding No on behalf of the European Union's 490,000,000 who were denied the right to vote on the Lisbon Treaty, a disguised proxy of The European Constitution that failed so spectacularly in 2005.

While I believe that the Treaty's objective of streamlining the European governance system is highly plausible, the cavalier attitude the EU Politburo took in pushing it down on people assuming their servile compliance by default deserved a counter-reaction.

The sentiment behind the No vote in Ireland was the same as that in France and Holland back in 2005: it was a call for the European big brass to step down from their high horse and try to explain what exactly they were doing to their half a billion of citizens. No heed was paid however. Far removed from the common Euro-Joe's concerns in their ivory tower of Brussels benefits bonanza, non-elected rulers of Europe decided that it would suffice to tweak some wording, give it a new name and "the plebs will gladly swallow it".

No such luck. Convoluted Euro-speak and a massive pro-treaty campaign by political celebrities could not hide the fact that Euro bosses were simply taking people for docile idiots.

And they still are: the responses from the likes of Jose Manuel Barroso and David Miliband show no remorse but poorly hidden irritation with the pesky commoners who dared to get in the way in their scramble for power.

'By hook or by crook, we shall drag you, stubborn fools, into our paradise,' quoth finger-wagging Barroso. 'After all, my future European Presidency is at stake!'

Most likely, the Irish will be bullied into re-voting until the Eurocrats squeeze the right result out of them, just like they did in 2002 with the Nice Treaty.

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