Thursday 20 March 2008

The Start Of Obama's Downfall?

I was right that the Clintons' tactical blow to the Obama campaign was much better calculated and stronger - they did manage to get him embroiled in the race issue and that effectively shatters his "post-identity" identity. He's a Black guy now.

He tried to defuse the situation and his speech was sincere, courageous and according to both White and Black observers best ever since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have A Dream address, no mean feat by any yardstick. It was reportedly well received by American intellectuals. Jon Stewart said that "Obama tried to speak to Americans as if they were adults." Truly so. However, it may have been too subtle and his argument too complex for the majority of the eligible voters and we know that subtlety and complexity does not work with the masses. They don't listen out whole speeches, they base their judgement on newspaper headlines and news channel soundbites.

I pray to God that Obama overcomes this blow and moves on to win both the Democrat nomination and the presidential election - he SEEMS to be the man America needs now to stir up the pernicious stalemate, but to quote the LA Times, "Obama in effect offered his candidacy as the next chapter in a story of racial tension and reconciliation that has unfolded since the country's founding."

We are yet to see how - if - Obama will come around but his chances are much slimmer than before. Hillary, you can pat yourself on the shoulder, or give yourself a noogie! We are one step closer to have another Douchebag vs. Turd Sandwich extravaganza of the US Preidential elections.

P.S. There is a good illustration just how hypocritically divided the US is on the racial issue: same things are judged completely differently based on whether who said them is Black or White.

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