Saturday 22 March 2008

Slowness Is Happiness

Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran is a sweet if soppy film but all its downfalls are redeemed by the wise maxim one of the protagonists played by Omar Sharif (he got a César for this role), 'La lenteur, c'est bonheur' - Slowness is happiness. He goes on to explain that if you do anything you do slowly you can actually enjoy it.

If you think about it, most of our adult life we are rushed through our daily chores that we learn to put up with but never get to like. We spend 90% of our lifetime doing things we don't really care for and then reward ourselves with some mindless time-wasting fun like watching TV or shopping. It never occur to us that actually there can be pleasure found in following your daily routine - if only you could slow down and see it.

You could derive a tremendous kick from the most mundane pastimes like commuting, washing dishes or buying groceries if only you paused for a while and ponder over how grateful you should be that you're alive, healthy and have enough money and no war around you to actually just do it. Truly, truly, slowness IS happiness.

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