International Afghanistan Mission Success - Opium Output Triples
Now we know that all the billions poured into the "peace-making" Afghanistan campaign have not been wasted - there will be more and cheaper cocaine and heroine for street consumption in the First World. To quote the BBC, 'The growth in Afghanistan's opium crop began in earnest after the overthrow of the Taleban by US-led and Afghan forces in 2001.'
The "international community" can gleefully rub their hands together and go shopping for designer snorting and injecting paraphernalia. Considered the volume of trade - about 4 billion Euros a year in raw opiates only, which is surely worth tens of times more by the time it reaches retail dealers in the West, next thing we know the likes of Prada and Louis Vuitton will be coming up with patent leather and mahogany snorting kits.Our boys in Afghanistan can be sure of the middle-class weekend cocaine users' support!
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