Sunday 30 March 2008

Good Tidings Of Great Joy

The headlines list of latest news alone could give you a major neurosis: wars, catastrophes, financial scandals, air and road crashes, natural disasters, bomb explosions, hostage crises, violent protests. News agencies also make sure you never miss a single freak accident in the world: every alligator attack and private jet emergency landing is broadcast to every TV-owning household in the world as The Breaking News. The few far-and-between pieces with any positive tint are unfailingly sex, glamour or sports-related.

In the words of Professor Preobrazhensky from Russia's beloved The Heart Of A Dog, 'Never read Bolshevik newspapers before dinner!' The Bolsheviks long dead and gone, we are still fed the daily diet of gory carnage and human misery.

Luckily, some want to make a difference. Optimist World's News section puts together positive developments, of which there seem to be quite a few, despite the gloom and doom of the mainstream media. The website also has Travel, Sports and Business sections where listings are arranged in more mindful way than we usually see. Feels like a gulp of fresh air.

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