Thursday, 25 June 2009

Seeing the spiritual connection in a relationship

hat is important in a relationship is shared values and principles. They
last and passion is just a hook. It serves its purpose and then goes.

Sometimes I think every person I have fallen for was sent into my life for a different reason. Sometimes it seems like the message I am supposed to get is that we should not have a sexual relationship, just spiritual, mutually enriching friendship. Well, that's what I want from a relationship anyway: love and spiritual connection. Love can be sexual at first but it evolves, it can't stay on the passion level for ever.

It's a shame that I never get the chance to get this message through. I have even tried to do it directly, just saying that straight to face. I would say that there's more to what is happening between us than the eye can see or the cock may want. We can enjoy sex and passion for now. But it's not the purpose. We are in for much better things together. Sometimes it falls on deaf ears, sometimes it has only a fleeting effect.

I guess I can see more at the moment than the other party. They come back to me years later saying that now they see I was the real thing but then I'm already in a different place, both geographically and psychologically. Sometimes it feels like a curse but perhaps there is just a lesson.

Life lessons

Lessons in life are sent to us out of Grace. They are like hints to what we need to learn. We may feel hurt, disappointed and even ruined when we don't get what we want but that may be the best thing that happened to us. Most of things like that become clear only in hindsight. However, as I age, I have learnt to see lessons right there. It makes life both easier and enjoyable. You get over pain and loss quicker because you see sense and purpose to it. And on top of that, you emerge a wiser man.

What is faith

Faith is not about blindly believing what you are told. It is more about accepting. Accepting that there are some things that logic cannot explain. I was brought up a scientific atheist. The whole system of education was geared towards rearing generations of people who believed there's no God and could explain very well why. Strangely enough, that very education provided me with systematic thinking that enabled me to arrive at an opposite conclusion.

While I accept that in the realm of science logic is the king, there are other realities where logic just does not work. Logic relies on the human brain, on the thin veneer of the upper layers of the frontal lobes. They are a relatively recent development in the primates. Faith sits deeper and is connected better, it is so much powerful. To explore its full potential you need to learnt to switch off logical thinking, giving to your gut, trust your intuition and listen to your heart.

Vipassana meditation helped me see that my intellect is not me, it is a part of me that thinks thoughts, like the heart pumps blood or the stomach digests food. They all are a vital part of me but they are not me, not my essence.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Britain, away with wheelie bins!

There is something Britain could defo do without: wheelie bins. I figure here they are used after the American fashion but in the US yards are huge and trash cans are never in sight. In the Old World, the space is limited and in London a plastic container stuffed with rotting refuse easily takes up half the space of the front yard. Rows after rows of them are a eyesore on the cityscape.

It would be a good idea to learn from the neighbour across the Channel. In Holland, garbage is left in plastic bags outside just in time to be picked up by the truck. However, increasingly, there are underground storage facilities, where garbage is dumped into air-proof containers, which are later emptied by the garbage truck.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Sex on the first date?

Having sex on the first date is like eating cake before dinner: it ruins the appetite for all the things that are actually good for you.

Monday, 8 June 2009

If your mother and father did not hug you

Interesting how the people who were brought up not knowing love in their non-hugging families, when they grow up, have no idea how to give love and even how to receive it. It scares them because they don't know how to handle it and now amount of love at this stage will change them. Their feelings will always stay shallow and they will seek company of their like.