Thursday 29 May 2008

Sharon Stone Makes An Ass Out Of Herself

In their majority, Hollywood actors come from not-so- privileged backgrounds with poor education opportunities. Most of them make it to Hollywood because it 's their only chance to have a decent living. They may look good and say well lines written by other people, but they should really never make public statements outside their professional competence.

This time it was Sharon Stone who made a gaffe - or what we call in Russian a fart-in-the-puddle - by saying that the earthquake in China was the country's comeuppance for its policies in Tibet. Apart from an apparent ignorance on Stone's part of basic Buddhist concepts (political entities do not have karmas), this incident shows the newly converted fad Buddhist's callousness and blatant disregard for the tragic deaths and suffering of tens of thousands of Sichuan people who have nothing to do with what the central government in China sets as an internal policy. One of the main Buddhist precepts of "right speech" and the focus on the cultivation of mind's purity and compassion must have entirely missed the Tinsel Town celebrity.

"I've been concerned about how should we deal with the Olympics, because they are not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who is a good friend of mine," most adorably name-dropped the 50-year-old. Right, Buddhism is all about doing lunch with the Dalai Lama.

Seriously, Sharon, you are much more likeable when you deliver script lines from the mouth, please stick to what you do best.

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