Wednesday 4 November 2009

Swine flu vaccine: a profit-generating myth

ollowing the bird flu and atypical pneumonia, these days the swine flu is the focus of a massive media hoopla. After 300 people died worldwide, it has been proclaimed a pandemic. Give me a break, more people die every year choking on fish bones but I don't see a war on fish waged anywhere.

he real reason for this well-orchestrated hysteria may be in what is peddled as the salvation: the so-called vaccine. Anyone whose ever peeped into a school textbook of anatomy and hygiene would know that there in principle can be NO anti-viral vaccine.

As usual, the USA is the trend-setter for this kind of nonsense: they kicked it off back in the days of the Bush administration when a 7-billion bird flu vaccine contract was awarded to a company owned by Rumsfelld, Dubya's best crony. Now this get-rich-quick scheme has become adopted all around the world, scaring millions in spending on something that accomplishes nothing.

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