Saturday 9 February 2008

Blair For EU President

The sheer irony of it: Mr. Blair is the likeliest candidate for the EU Presidency.

This may be meant as a symbolic gesture of more British involvement in Europe, but will it be really taken as such? He still will need the approval or at least acquiscience of all 27 EU countries and as we all know UK's popularity in EU is solid rock bottom.

He comes from the country that have staunchly opposed nearly everything that has ever happened on the way of the EU integration. What a weird twist of fate that Blair should be considered to head the very entity he has worked most if his life against - something akin to George W. Bush being invited by Cuba to take over from Fidel.

Blair was also the loudest supporter of the Iraq War outside the US, another disastrous affair that apart from being hugely unpopular on the Continent ruined European credibility in the Middle East and the whole Muslim world.

It can be that he was offered the job as a reward for his hasty signing of the Lisbon Treaty, bypassing the referendum - exactly one of the reasons why he is painfully unpopular in UK, too. Interestingly enough, if you look well enough into on what conditions UK entered the Lisbon Treaty, you can see that UK defied nearly every single clause except the one that establishes the EU Presidency. How very tale-telling.

Stop Blair website.

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